A year in review

This past Friday marked my One Year Anniversary of being full-time with my business!

This is a huge milestone for me as I have been creating with clay for 16 years. I have gone through so many seasons of bounty and (primarily) drought, so this past year has truly been a dream come true. I’ve waited to be an artist since I was young. Your unwavering support, whether big or small, creates space for me to do what I love, run with my wild ideas, and build incredible things… together!

What I’ve accomplished in one year:

-Every single package I’ve sent out has been sustainable. This is one of the foundational values of my business 

-I’ve sent out 915 orders, with 1426 items sold. 

-Out of those 915, only 2 have arrived damaged. 

-32,233 people have visited my website.

-I’ve gained around 9k followers on instagram

-Raised $1200 for a friend in need

-With your help, we donated $1342 to Campaign Zero and $838 to Build a Nest

-My work is now in 35+ countries and every continent but Antarctica! I’ve honestly lost count, but I’m going to fill a map soon of all the places my work lives 

-I’ve used approximately 2200 lbs of clay. That’s literally a ton of clay!

-I got to collaborate with some AMAZING artists on instagram.

Huge thanks to: @shealeenlouise @rivuletpaper @themintgardener @sarahmartinezart @laurieanneart @jennarainey @tashacathey_ @amyrosegeden @thebishopsilversmith @winifredkristecake @meeraleepatel @victoriabonvicini @thepigeonletters to name a few. 🤍 Please visit their accounts and support them!

What I’ve learned:

 -There is way more admin than you would think.

-Everything takes double the amount of time than you allot 

-Pre-orders were NOT the answer for a thriving business for me.

-And you will never please everyone! 

Some of my goals for the next year are: 

-Double my order numbers

-Have 0 packages damaged

-Double my instagram following

-Get website traffic up to 60k

-Hire an assistant (intimidating, but it will be necessary) 

-Expand my space to allot for growth

-Launch seasonal high fired work in 2021

-Collaborate with more amazing artists!

-Donate 5% of gross earnings every shop update to a non-profit

Busy, right? That’s the life of running a creative studio! There’s always so much happening and life moves far too fast. But I can’t forget to recognize how awesome you are. I try to make sure you’re always in the loop! I’m so excited about all the things I’ve got going on—and coming up. I hope you’ll be the biggest part of it!

Thank you for joining me in the pursuit of creativity.

xo, Sarah